Jivitputrika Vrat also known as Jivit putrika Puja is a significant fasting day in which mothers observe Nirjala fasting throughout the day and night for well-being of their children. Jivitputrika Vrat will be celebrated on September and you can get all the benefits and blessings of the vrat / pooja.
Jivitputrika puja is observed on Krishna Paksha Ashtami in the month of Ashwin as per the Hindu lunar calendar. This fasting is mainly observed in Indian states. Jivitputrika vrat is also known as Jitiya in some parts of India.
The puja process varies from area to area. In some areas, women offer a basket full of fruits and local sweet delicacies covering it with a huge leaf or new piece of cloth and then having it unfolded by the sons after the fast ends. Women also form groups and listen to ‘Katha’ or a story associated with the fast from an elderly female member. The fast ends as Navami arrive since the fast is observed on Ashtami. After the end of the fast, the women folk eat several delicacies including the normal food barring non-vegetarian items which are termed ‘prana’.
- Jeevaputika is concluded with fasting and worship for the fasting son’s longevity.
- The wellbeing of their children.
- The eagle observed the fast with full dedication and completed it.
Jivit putrika puja is the protection of sons of the family from all dangers to life. Though, of late people have started doing the Jivitputrika vrat puja for their daughters too which is a healthy change.
- To be healthy, happy, and long-lasting for the children, the mothers live for the children.
- In some areas, it is also called ‘Jyotia’.
- This is done on the day of Ashtami of Ashwani Mass of Pradosal-Bhavini Ashtami.
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