“Yatra yatra raghunatha kirtanam,
Tatra tatra kritha masthakanjalim,
Bhaspavaari paripurna lochanam,
Maarutim namata raakshasanthakam”
MEANING : “we bow to maruti, sri hanuman, who stands with his palms folded above his forehead, with a torrent of tears flowing down his eyes wherever the names of lord rama are sung”.
Sri hanuman is worshipped all over india- either alone or together with sri rama. Every temple of sri rama has the murti or idol of sri hanuman. Hanuman is the a vatara of lord shiva. He was born of the wind-god and anjani devi.his other names are pavanasuta, marutsuta, pavankumar, bajrangabali and mahavira.
He is the living embodiment of ram-nam. He was an ideal selfless worker, a true karma yogi who worked desirelessly and dynamically. He was a great devotee and an exceptional brahmachari or celibate. He served sri rama with pure love and devotion, withut excepting any fruit in return. He lived to seve sri rama. He was humble, brave and wise. He possessed all the divine virtues. He did what others coul. He do not do- crossing the ocean simply by uttering ram-nam, burning the city of lanka, and bringing the sanjeevini herb and restoring lakshmana to life again. He brought sri rama and lakshmana from the nether world after killing ahiravana.
He had devotion, knowledge, spirit of selfless service, power of celibacy, and desirelessness. He never boasted of his bravery and intelligence.
He said to ravana,” I am a humble messenger of sri rama. I have come here to serve rama, to do his work. By the command of lord rama, I have come here. I am fearless by the grace of lord rama. I am not afraid of death. I welcome it if comes while serving lord rama.
” His birthday falls on chaitra shukla purnima(the march-april full moon day).
On this holy day worship sri hanuman. Fast on this day. Read the hanuman chalisa. Spend the whole day in the japa of ram-nam. Sri hanuman will be highly will be highly pleased and will bless you with success In all your undertakings.
Glory to hanuman!glory to his lord, sri rama!