Leo 2019
Jai Sri Krishna
Every year brings new possibilities and new expectations. The prediction for 2019 is based on transit of four major planets viz. Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. The sign leo can be taken as your birth moon sign. These predictions are indicative in nature and the final outcome would be modified based on native’s current dasha and antardasha.
To start with transit Jupiter is posited in 4th house of home and happiness. It is also the house of mental satisfaction. Hence your focus is on home, home environment and enjoyment of luxuries. The native can either buy new property or sell the existing one to buy a bigger home. As Jupiter is also the 8th house, change in place is also possible if this Jupiter is aspected by 4th lord or mars. The aspect on 8th house is also indicating the gain of property through legacy or lottery. Being 5th lord, Jupiter can give progress in career or getting into a new job. The aspect in 10th house indicates that native’s deeds would be good such as donating in charity, spending on social causes or helping the colleagues at work place. If this Jupiter has any connection with Venus or 4th house, one can upgrade his vehicle this year. The politicians having transiting Jupiter can assist in winning elections provided Vimshottari dasha is also indicating the same. The aspect on 12th house bring spiritual decoration in home. It can also provide an opportunity to travel abroad. Those who are in the business of Hotels, real estate, restaurants are going to see an important development in 2019.
Saturn is transiting in 5th house of children, education and share market. Saturn is telling you be cautious in reckless investments as it can bring losses. Be prudent and take judicious decision before investing in share markets. If the prevailing dasha is promising the child, you can expect beginning of pregnancy after mid of 2019. Being 6th lord in 5th house , it can cause some obstruction in education. Also some frustration in getting the right match is also expected. It is suggested to appease Saturn by chanting mantras for reducing the malefic effects. Those who are into love, can find some differences with the partner.
Rahu and Ketu along 5/11th axis is excellent for gains and fulfilment of wishes. If you have experiences lot of wasteful expenditure in last 1 year, you can have a sigh of relief in this year. The aspect on 3rd house indicates gain to the free lancers. Your network circle will expand and would reach to the people in authority. The aspect on 7th house suggest some partnership belonging to other caste or community. It is cautioned to take care of stomach as it can get affected in 2019.
The year of achievements is in your way, however the relationship part may be a concern especially for young couples and yet to be married. Pray to Lord Krishna, he is ultimate GOD of Pure love.