Cancer 2019
Jai Sri Krishna
Every year brings new possibilities and new expectations. The prediction for 2019 is based on transit of four major planets viz. Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. The sign Cancer can be taken as your birth moon sign. These predictions are indicative in nature and the final outcome would be modified based on native’s current dasha and antardasha.
In 2019 Jupiter is transiting in the 5th house of children, education, share market, speculation and love affairs. So these areas of the life would certainly be your focus in 2019. If Jupiter is transiting on 5th lord or venus, there are certainly the chances of falling into lover affair or a phase of intense heart affairs can be expected. The couples who are waiting for the right time to have baby, can plan child this year. Jupiter in 5th house usually ensures safe and secure pregnancy. This is also an important year for upgrading your academic degrees. You can plan for higher education such as post graduation or diploma in management. You can also look for certification courses which can boost your position at work place. As Jupiter is also 9th lord and placed in 5th house, the native can take interest in pilgrimages and learning spiritual sciences. The luck of father may get boost as Jupiter is placed 9th from 9th house. As 6th lord in 5th house, one may experience some initial hiccups regarding studies, but ultimately one would get success. The aspect on 11th house ensures gain from networking, friends and speculation. The aspect on lagna indicates good health and fast recovery from illness.
The placement of Saturn in 6th house is excellent for overcoming obstacles in 2019. You would crack competitive examinations. Those who are working would be able to beat their competitors at work place. If you are expecting some lawsuits verdict, definitely it will be in your favour. However as Saturn is also 8th lord some health issues regarding intestines and kidneys. You can expect back pain if 9th lord is aspected by Saturn. There can be minor arguments with spouse or business partners depending on which dasha is under progress. The aspect on 2nd house also indicates some difficulty in family matters and saving money.
Rahu and Ketu along 6/12 axis is giving you opportunity to introspect. Rahu in 12th house can incline you towards meditation, spiritual healing, Reiki etc. This rahu can cause change in work place or home. You can also get benefitted from exports. This Rahu can extend benefit to the natives who are dealing with foreign clients or working in foreign lands.
Overall, a positive year with minor health issues. The planets are blessing you to overcome the obstacles in life and fulfilling your desires whether having child, marriage or any other matter. May Lord Krishna Bless you.