Taurus 2019
Jai Sri Krishna
Every year brings new possibilities and new expectations. The prediction for 2019 is based on transit of four major planets viz. Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. The sign Taurus can be taken as your birth moon sign. These predictions are indicative in nature and the final outcome would be modified based on native’s current dasha and antardasha.
In 2019, Jupiter is transiting in 7th house of marriage, business and partnerships. Hence, if the native is searching for soul mate, definitely Jupiter is going to bless him. The marriage alliance may get fixed and celebrations are on the cards. As Jupiter is also aspecting the 11th house of gains, so one may get profit in business or would get help from his network circle. The aspect on Lagna is an indication of good health or improvement in overall immunity. There are also chances of gaining weight, so keep track of your BMS index. If your current mahadasha is not good in terms of relationships, then Jupiter may cause some differences with spouse. The 9th aspect on 3rd house is indicating gain in business while travelling or one has to travel for forging business deals. As 11th lord in 7th house, Jupiter can bring love affairs too. It can also bless the couples with child provided the supportive dasha is also under operation.
This year Saturn is placed in 8th house of longevity and legacy. As Saturn is rajayoga planet for this lagna, it can indicated change in career or sudden rise in fortune. The placement Saturn with ketu in 8th house is not very good for health. One need to be careful regarding kidney or kidney stones. The aspect on 2nd house can cause some difficulties in saving money and wealth. In addition to that, there is also an indication of change in the direction of education. You may look for new field for higher education.
Rahu/ketu along 2nd and 8th axis is indicating issues with family and legacy. One may have to move away from family for better prospects. Regarding wealth, one may get several opportunities to create wealth because Rahu causes strong desire to amass wealth. However, try to keep balance between family and work.
A mixed year which can bring both celebrations and some minor hiccups. Saturn and ketu in 8th house is excellent for internalisation and introspection. Lord Krishna says, utilize this year to understand yourself in a better way.